Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Long overdue update

Who knew having my husband around 24/7 was going to create such a challenge? I love having him home and will be happy when he retires. I just have an issue with working a full schedule when he's home. NOT his issue - but mine. he is the most important part of my life and my most supportive person. So I don't want to work my 10-12 hour days when he's home. He is also dealing with boredom due to restrictions with the use of his hands - the right in particular since that is the one he had carpal tunnel surgery on first. Surgery which has made NO difference so you can imagine his frustration level at this point.

I've been on the treadmill almost every day. I'm starting with a half mile and building myself up gradually. I've also purchased the copper knee socks and they seem to be helping a little. I say 'almost every day' because on the days I've been working in the garden, I am getting a workout. I am building a straw bale garden so that means toting bales of straw and lots of steps. I am also trying to remember to clip on the pedometer every day. Some days are easier than others.

I also cleared my profile from the Wii Fit and started from scratch. The results are not pretty but they will get better as I am on the Wii 3 days a week minimum.

I leave for Texas in five weeks. In that time I need to be able to fit comfortably in my jeans and in a couple of the cocktail outfits I'll need for the Romantic Times Convention in Dallas.

To top everything else off, more of my teeth are loose. I can't get them taken care of right now as I don't want to be doing interviews in May without teeth and I can't get the teeth pulled and dentures in that quick. So I'm careful with what I eat for now. New teeth are on my agenda beginning in June.

All in all I am still Enjoying the journey!