So I don't want to jinx myself by saying I'm all better LOL But maybe....
Despite being able to work out, I have still been watching what I eat and the portion control. I keep thinking back to an info card I got in a Prevention Magazine mailing once. What we consider portions sizes have changed drastically over the past 30 years... and NOT for the better.
Between becoming more and more dependent on Fast Food or quick meals and thinking everything is dispensable, we have stopped focusing on healthy. It doesn't have to be a trade off. We can still eat healthy. We just need to stop thinking we need MORE.
For the next week, I'd like you to do an experiment with me. Get a small notebook, about 4x6 (the dimension of a standard photograph)
For the next 2 or 3 days I encourage you to EAT NORMALLY. Don't think about what you should be doing... just treat every meal as you have in the past. BUT as you sit down to eat, make a note of the portion size. Come on... you don't need to get out the measuring cup for this. You can HONESTLY estimate. You know the size of a tennis ball, a deck of cards, a domino, etc. Write your portion size down in relation to an item you understand.
For the remaining of the week, give yourself the same portion BUT measure it. Again, don't worry about what you think you should be eating. This exercise is all about AWARENESS. We'll worry about fixing it next week. For now, take your 'normal' portion and be honest about it's ACTUAL measurement.
Why am I asking you to do this? Because if you don't know where you are coming from, you won't appreciate the journey near as much... or truly understand the progress you'll make along the way.
Come on the journey with me...