Monday, February 24, 2020

WEIGH IN 2-24-2020

162/ 173/135

Good morning, everyone!

I'm attributing my gain to the low country boil I made for supper on Saturday (I write this post on Sundays). Was tasty and not something I do very often but this was our nod to Mardi Gras.

I got the idea when our local brew pub, Wages Brewing Co, had a crawfish boil on their calendar. Bob doesn't like crawfish so I decided to do my own version here at home. Tasted awesome but the scales showed the error of my ways. LOL That said, everyone needs to treat themselves now and then and this was my last hurrah before Bob goes back on the boat tomorrow. 

While we were in West Plains last week for eye appointments Bob spotted the beet concentrates at Walmart. He had seen the commercials and decided to give it a try.

The stuff tastes nasty! I don't care what you mix it with. One youtuber describes the flavor akin to pulling a beet right out of the ground. 

After further reading this morning I've also discovered (much to my pleasure) that as a diabetic this is not something I need to add to my regimen. I can't speak for other brands but this one in particular containes MALTODEXTRIN. The maltodextrin gives you a sweet aftertaste. However, that biproduct can also cause spikes in bloood sugar. yay! Finally, something that should be good for you, I need to avoid. 

I'll be doing further research to determine if this is a factor with natural beets. I love them, especially pickled. so will continue to research and keep you posted.

In the mean time, tell me if you've tried this and your opinon of the product.

Enjoy the Journey!

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