Monday, February 10, 2020

WEIGN IN 2-10-20

162/ 173/ 135

No change from last week. I'm surprised considering we ate out on Friday. We found a great Italian place in Poplar Bluff. Think I can remember the name? LOL I'll get back to you on that. We each had an appetizer plus our meal and we both brought home half of our entrees. We had have of our entrees last night for supper, along with leftover garlic rolls. Bob said he'll have his for lunch today. I put mine in the freezer for a meal while he's gone. We spent right at $60 and will have eaten three meals each for that, plus the lovely evening out.  

This week will be crazy. We're going to celebrate Valentine's Day. Hopefully, that will be our only big meal out. Here's hoping. 

Oh, Bob won the weight challenge. As of weigh-in I was down two pounds but he was down four!
I know that eating out, regardless of where, always affects the scale reading so I'm striving for us to do that less, and strictly on a cash basis.

He's home three weeks. We'll do one 'nice' dinner, one Pizza Hut lunch buffet and one general meal such as Chinese buffet, KFC, something along those lines. We'll spend less and eat at home more. 

I've also bee on a new challenge with Moms and Money on YouTube.  For the month of January Jia challenged us to spend only $100 per person per month on our groceries. I've modified that a bit in that I do not include laundry/ paper products. I get all of my laundry supplies at Menards when they have the 11% rebate and my paper products at $ Genersal when I have a $5 off $25 coupon about every other Saturday. I use one per month. 

Jia has a lot of great tips and advice. She also offers budgeting and money management courses through Teachable

While I've always been good at managing our finances, learning little tips like realizing you don't need to spend as much at the grocery store as you think you do are nice surprises. We don't know everything. LOL

What is your biggest challenge when it comes to finances? Do you live paycheck to paycheck? Do you find yourself wondering where that paycheck went? Do you have a savings plan?  Please let me know in the comments. Let's give each other a lift.

Enjoy the Journey!

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