Wednesday, February 5, 2020

BURGER KING - The Impossible Whopper

I've tried the Impossible Whopper and didn't notice any different in taste. What did bother me was how they could get a 'medium rare' burger from a plant base. As the CNET reporter noted, she hadn't eaten real meat for some time and the more she ate of the Impossible Whopper, the taste/ texture was so similar that she couldn't finish the burger! I admit to having the same issue.

As you'll see from THIS LINK of the Nutritional info from the Burger King website, the Impossible Whopper is not even listed.

I was able to find the following information from CNET

Their article tells us:
The Impossible Whopper is a plant-based protein version of Burger King's famous Whopper sandwich, made with an Impossible Foods burger patty. It looks exactly the same and, according to CNET editor Brian Cooley, tastes just the same too. 

Here is the one line that disturbs me:
Despite the fact that this lab-grown burger ...

Lab grown?

But I kept reading and here's what I learned.

The 'burger' is a blend of soy and potato proteins a change they made from 1.0 which used wheat protein. 2.0 is now gluten free. The burger's fat source comes from coconut and sesame oil.

I couldn't share the video from CNET but if you follow THIS LINK and scroll down, you'll find a 4 minute video that walks you through the process.  However, they do have a video on YouTube.

Have you tried the Impossible Whopper? If so, let us know what you thought.  If not, treat yourself to lunch then come back and tell us your opinon.

Eat Happy! Enjoy the Journey!

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