Every time I tried to work this week something has gone wrong - and it's only Tuesday!
Seems like every time I sit down to dive in the deep end and get stuff caught up,
Life Happens!
I try to keep this consistent but this isn't my paying job.
I blog here because I want to share my struggle with weight loss, various health issues and just every day life.
With things already getting in the way
~like a power outage yesterday and unexpected computer updates today ~
I'm not going to stress about getting stuff up at all this week.
I have some ideas for posts.
Rather than stressing about getting them up on time - daily
Instead, I'm going to lay the ground work for scheduled posts NEXT WEEK.
Then next week I can get the posts up for the week after that... and so on.
I can tell you I weighed in at 166 Monday morning.
That's down 1 pound from last week!
Bob won't be home at least until June 8th - as we know right now
So I'm going to work hard getting as many posts written and scheduled as possible.
In the mean time, check out this video.
I've not watched it but the title looked like something you might be able to use while I'm off!
Enjoy the Journey!