Monday, January 28, 2019

NEW YEAR.... NEW PLAN - Weigh In

165/ 166/135

Great way to start out the year! Actually, that isn't bad. two days ago I weighed 163! Not sure what I did differently, but we shall see. 

My overall goal is to lose ten pounds this year and keep it off. Maintaining is important. However, I've recently had a health scare that brought things into perspective. While I always thought I was eating right, in retrospect I realize I kept a lot from myself.

While I can't be completely forthcoming with you all, I am living in a totally transparent state with myself. I'm being honest about what I eat, what I drink and more importantly what I leave out.

Twelve days ago, with the realization I had to make some changes, I went back to a low carb/ high protein way of life. That's the key.. WAY OF LIFE.  I've done this round before but never stuck with the plan. Now it's not a diet as the way I have to eat if I want to live long enough to see my granddaughters become amazing young women like their mom. 

In the past twelve days I haven't had a single soda. I have still taken my sips large enough to take my vitamins but that is it. No more frozen cokes, mini sodas, etc. Possibly not even as a treat down the road... a LONG way down the road.

What going back to low carb/ high protein has forced me to do is take a serious look at my vegetable intake. I'm now eating vegetables every day... usually 2-3 times a day. I've sucked up the denture issue and begun eating salads. Through trial and error I've learned I can't chew spring mix but I can ice berg or romaine if I cut them up small. 

I'm eating fruits, both canned and fresh but in moderation. While they are good for me, they are high in sugar. So I'll add 3-4 slices of peaches to my bowl of oatmeal. I still have a problem eating fruit with cottage cheese so yeah, pretty much with the oatmeal. I'll also incorporate fruit to my protein pancakes as soon as I find the recipe. They're great with Apple Butter, too. I make my own but will have to watch the portion on those. 

Oh yeah... and the fluffy coffee recipe... 

No longer am I putting 1/3 C of mix to a cup of coffee. Now, I'm only adding 1 T. 1 TABLESPOON with a splash of milk. While it's not my super duper fluffy, I am still able to enjoy my mocha/ caramel coffee.

When it comes to health, some things are just worth the sacrifice and small in comparison to the larger picture.

Did you make New Year resolutions regarding your health? I'd love to hear what you're doing. Let's talk... we can talk and...

Enjoy the Journey!


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