Friday, April 3, 2020

I'M A PREPPER - Wouldn't you like to be a Prepper Too?

If we've learned anything from this Covid-19 ordeal  it is that we NEED to be PREPARED!

Some may wonder how this relates to a weight-loss journey.
When you think about the amount of stress people are under right now because their daily routine has changed, there are definitive health reprecussions. Stress can make us over eat, not eat much of anything, raise glucose levels, cause migraines... the list goes on.

But if you're prepared, as Bob and I have been, then you can ride out almost anything with very little impact on your day to day.

Whether that means having OTC meds on hand for the family or enough toilet paper to last at least a couple of months, there are things you can do to be prepared.

Now that doesn't mean you have to be set up for the SHTF (shit hits the fan) kind of thing, though this virus has come pretty close) but you should have enough basic supplies stocked up to ride through any crisis.

Do you remember this movie?

Over the next few weeks, I'll walk you through the basics. Start planning now so when you can get out and things begin to find a new normal you will know what you need to do when this or any type of natural disaster occurs.

Prepping is nothing new. People have been preparing since the beginning of time. From the first man killing/ preserving food for winter to the Cuban Missile Crisis and more recent. For generations people have planned for a 'rainy day'. They kept their food stock in root cellars in case of long winters when what they preserved might be all they had to hold them until Spring. How many families prepared for 'the big one' like our folks in Blast from the Past. Though the movie was meant to be a comedy, there was nothing light about the importance of how prepared they were to live below ground.

But over the past few years, 'Prepping' has taken on a new meaning. Some have extended the term into 'survivalist' - preparing for everything imaginable from a natural disaster like a tornado to Armageddon. Several months ago I found a book by Bernie Carr called - THE PREPPER'S POCKET GUIDE - 101 Easy Things You Can Do To Ready Your Home For A Disaster.

Bernie breaks prepping down in to 101 manageable tasks to having everything you need for any emergency that might arise. Disasters, like tornadoes, will knock you off your game if you are not prepared. My plan to kick-start this blog is to take you on my journey as I work my way through the booklet and prepare our home for an emergency and put our Prepper Plan into action.

In the meantime, I recommend you order Bernie's book and join me on this journey. If you are already a Prepper or know someone, link me to their sites. I'd love to share what others are doing

Enjoy the Journey!

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