Monday, April 20, 2020

WEIGH IN 4-20-20


After two days of stomach issues I left coffee off my morning routine for a couple of days. Tasted good on Saturday but I still only drank a half of a cup.

Is eliminating the coffee part of the reason for my loss? Who knows. I do know I'm going to try and avoid coffee through the week whenever possible and just enjoy the 'treat' on the weekends. I'm not saying that is going to happen.. jsut that I'm going to try. :-)

I ventured out on Friday to pay some bills and pick up a few things. While I was out I thought I'd swing by my favorite coffee hang-out to see if they were doing take-out orders. To my huge disappointment, I found them CLOSED... not just for the shut-down but 'number disconnected, boxes full of stuff around the room' closed! Oh no!!!

Higher Grounds Coffee Company - Coffee Shop - West Plains ...

I know this shut-down is affecting a lot of small businesses. I never thought Higher Grounds in West Plains would be one of them. 

Felicia has always had a good flow through there. She has carried my books in her cafe. My first book, Somewhere Down the Line, was written in her establishment when it was Heroe's Coffee. I'd hoped to offer her hard copies of that book later this summer when I get my rights back. 

I know Felicia works with the Boys & Girls Club so when this whole #SIP is over with, I can track her down and find out what's what. 

Now, I've lied to Fox News.
A few weeks ago they posted on twitter what did we want to do when this whol thing was lifted. I posted I wanted to spend an entire day in my favorite coffee house and work on my book. 

Hmmmm Sorry FoxNews... guess you can add me to the rest of the #FakeNews

I hope you are all safe and getting through this with a level head. 
Enjoy the Journey - this part can't last forever.

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