Monday, January 30, 2017



As you can see, I'm down a pound from last week.

Bob came home on Wednesday night and we did our weigh-in on Thursday. I hadn't changed from the initial (even though I fluctuated 2 pounds the whole time he was gone!) He went up 2 pounds. So with no loss for either of us, the next time he goes out will be worth $200.  As it looks right now he won't be going back out until early March. 

I didn't get the impression for my permanents. The top gum area is still shrinking. Maybe in February.  In the mean time, I'm trying to use them more. Some foods are still an issue. I could probably eat some of them if I chewed with my mouth partially open but I've always thought that to be really gross... since about the 2nd grade. I keep trying new foods.

We went to Colton's yesterday and I tried a salad. If I could have chewed with my mouth open, I might have been able to make it work but trying to eat with my mouth closed, I couldn't get the lettuce positioned correctly and I kept trying NOT to strangle on it. When I explained to the manager (via typing a note on my phone as I was still trying not to choke) my issue she was kind enough to swap it for a different side option of my choice... that I could eat. 

And so the Journey continues... 

Enjoy YOUR Journey!

Monday, January 23, 2017



Okay, so no budge on the scales. But I'm okay with that. The number isn't higher than last week. Looks like I've found my new plateau. The number will budge as soon as I'm working outside more, and working out more.

The Christmas tree finally came down on Thursday. I hated to take the tree down. Even though it was nothing more than lights, the colors were comforting in a quiet house in the evening. The final night, I put in my favorite Hallmark Christmas move, The Christmas Kiss and just enjoyed the romance and the peace.

I can say no cupcakes this week and no ice cream. Since my gums are no longer painful after I take my dentures out at night, I'm not using the cool treat to sooth them. I had ice cream one night just because I wanted some. 

I think part of my challenge for now is that I'm eating more carbs than proteins. I get frustrated with the bottom denture plate popping loose whenever I eat for more than 15 minutes, or depending on what I eat that most of the time, it's just less stressful to leave them in the bath and eat something that doesn't require real chewing. I see my dental specialist tomorrow and am going to talk to her. I am supposed to get the impressions for my permanent plates and I'm hoping the permanent dentures will eliminate some of my eating issues.  I realize I have to eat some things differently but I would give almost anything to bite into something more dense than a french fry and know my teeth will stay in place. The upper plate is a dream, and I knew that the lower plate would be an issue because it isn't anchored to anything as a partial would be. And I'm not having them screwed in. My bone system is shallow. I doubt I'd have any better luck for the pain. I'll just learn to adapt.

I do know I'm splurging at Applebees tomorrow. They have a burger lunch special. If I have to eat it with a fork, I'm going to enjoy every bite. LOL. I have to remove the glue on the plates anyway before my appt so might as well break them loose eating something tasty. And when it comes to taste, Applebees seldom lets me down. We are on a first name basis on Twitter. LOL 

I have work to keep me occupied for the week, but with the tree down I hope to either be on the Wii or the treadmill by the weekend. I'm ready for something and maybe that will be enough to break the peak I seem to be on.

I am also hoping to be checking in on Friday's again now that I have a work routine again. I'll be tracking my steps throughout the week and giving you a weekly total on Friday, as well as how the week has gone. 

So what's on your plate for this week? Whatever you have going on, remember to...

Enjoy the Journey!

Monday, January 16, 2017



Stupid scales! Okay, maybe not the scales fault. CRAVING! I had a craving for chocolate frosting. Soft, creamy, chocolaty goodness. So I invested in a dozen MINI cupcakes. So eating two is only like eating a 1/2 of a cupcake.  Who knew that over the course of a week, EIGHT of these (mind you, that's 4 regular cupcakes) could be so damaging!

Here's the culprit:

So the remaining 2 cupcakes went in the garbage today and I am back to a routine of one cup of fluffy then the rest water. If I get all my water in, then a small cup of cocoa while I relax with the dog in the evening. 

I've teamed up with a 'Daily' planner group on FB. We encourage each other to drink our water in every day, including various ways to get the water in by drinking so much as soon as we wake up, specific amount of ounces before lunch, that kind of thing. I just fill my 2-qt glass pitcher at night before I go to bed so I have cold water to drink throughout the next day. I also have water bottle tracker stickers in my planner. I've not used the planner much this week as I've not been 'working' but that kicks in again tomorrow. 

So after several weeks of putting the studio in order, stocking in supplies and fire wood for a cold snap, I am ready to build a normal work-day routine again. Bob is gone for another week so I have time to put my schedule in place before he comes home and the go go go begins. :-D

So you know my nemesis is chocolate. What's yours? What is that one food you crave, that probably isn't the best choice? I'd love to hear.

Up, down, or somewhere in between. Whatver course you take,....

Enjoy the Journey

Monday, January 9, 2017



Just a quick check in. I'm down two pounds from last week. I've not really done anything different other than not leaving the house but one twice since the last post.

Why is it, regardless of how careful you are when eating out, they affects still show on the scale? 

With bad weather in the forecast for the weekend, I'll be eating out one time this week when I go after supplies. But in turn, I'll burn off the calories hauling in firewood. We'll see how things turn out next week.

I meant to get more posts on the blog this week but someone hacked my main google account over the weekend and put me way behind. Now I have to focus on the day job this week. On the plus side, the boss has said no more 80 hour weeks and has set a work schedule for us. That means when I shut down on Friday, the weekend is mine. Yay!

Here's hoping your week is a positive one.
Enjoy the Journey!

Sunday, January 1, 2017


Happy New Year, everyone!

I'm not going to do a long post today. Just a quick note to Weigh In and let you know things are finally settling down around here. I just might be able to get on the right blogging path.

Though the process is going to take some time as I am also settling into a new job with my publisher as Director of Marketing.  The new job means I'll be scaling back things for awhile.  For now, I will only post on Monday and Friday. I want to bring the Recipe Wednesday back in later in the year, but for now I have to focus on getting footing with the new job.

So.. Today's Weigh In

I can live with that number as it is six  pounds less than this day last year. As you know, I went back up to 189 at one point before I was able to work my way back down.  But 2017 is a new year and a clean scale.

I'm not going to jump onto the resolution bandwagon. Instead, I have hit the RESET button on my entire life. Some things will change this year... just going to take time.

Have you set any resolutions? They say that when you put them in writing, or profess them publicly you have a better chance of staying the course. So post your resolutions here and let's support one another! 

Enjoy the Journey!