Okay, so no budge on the scales. But I'm okay with that. The number isn't higher than last week. Looks like I've found my new plateau. The number will budge as soon as I'm working outside more, and working out more.
The Christmas tree finally came down on Thursday. I hated to take the tree down. Even though it was nothing more than lights, the colors were comforting in a quiet house in the evening. The final night, I put in my favorite Hallmark Christmas move, The Christmas Kiss and just enjoyed the romance and the peace.
I can say no cupcakes this week and no ice cream. Since my gums are no longer painful after I take my dentures out at night, I'm not using the cool treat to sooth them. I had ice cream one night just because I wanted some.
I think part of my challenge for now is that I'm eating more carbs than proteins. I get frustrated with the bottom denture plate popping loose whenever I eat for more than 15 minutes, or depending on what I eat that most of the time, it's just less stressful to leave them in the bath and eat something that doesn't require real chewing. I see my dental specialist tomorrow and am going to talk to her. I am supposed to get the impressions for my permanent plates and I'm hoping the permanent dentures will eliminate some of my eating issues. I realize I have to eat some things differently but I would give almost anything to bite into something more dense than a french fry and know my teeth will stay in place. The upper plate is a dream, and I knew that the lower plate would be an issue because it isn't anchored to anything as a partial would be. And I'm not having them screwed in. My bone system is shallow. I doubt I'd have any better luck for the pain. I'll just learn to adapt.
I do know I'm splurging at Applebees tomorrow. They have a burger lunch special. If I have to eat it with a fork, I'm going to enjoy every bite. LOL. I have to remove the glue on the plates anyway before my appt so might as well break them loose eating something tasty. And when it comes to taste, Applebees seldom lets me down. We are on a first name basis on Twitter. LOL
I have work to keep me occupied for the week, but with the tree down I hope to either be on the Wii or the treadmill by the weekend. I'm ready for something and maybe that will be enough to break the peak I seem to be on.
I am also hoping to be checking in on Friday's again now that I have a work routine again. I'll be tracking my steps throughout the week and giving you a weekly total on Friday, as well as how the week has gone.
So what's on your plate for this week? Whatever you have going on, remember to...
Enjoy the Journey!