Monday, September 25, 2017

WEIGH IN 9-25-17


A bit of a loss.Mostly due to being home most of the time. I did go into town on Friday but no matter what I ate, the bottom plate did not want to stay in place so most of the places I ate, I didn't eat much of anything. 

I didn't get on the Gazelle last week. I spent most of my time either in the recliner with the laptop trying to get stuff caught up for my boss or deep-cleaning the house. Most of the time has been spent on the publisher stuff so the pictures I'll have to show you on Wednesday will not be pretty. What I have done though is gone through the entire house and taken 'before' pictures of the areas I still need to work in. Mostly my office/ studio. I got work mostly caught up yesterday. Will finish tomorrow (I'm writing this post on Sunday) to a  point that I can coast a bit this week and work on the office. I only have just shy of two weeks to get that room finished. The project will take a couple days of intense focus. I just need the days where I am not multi-tasking throughout the house. 

Short post today if I'm to get my To Do list accomplished. Tomorrow is my birthday (and my daughter's - Happy Birthday Ninja!) and I have a shopping trip on my agenda. And at this point, I'm not even thinking food unless it's protein. I have my eye on a  purse ;-) 

Here's to a great week and Enjoy the Journey!

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