Wednesday, July 4, 2018

RECIPE WEDNESDAY - Freezer Stock-up

I use my foodsaver a lot. After solid research, I knew I didn't need a fancy one to start with but that I did want the Foodsaver brand. The one shown above is what I use.

About every six weeks I buy protein in bulk, bring it home and package into portions using the Foodsaver. This prevents freezer burn and lets me keep meat much longer than if I just tossed it in a zippy bag or froze in original packaging. Incidently, you should NEVER freeze meet in the original package. Meat department packaging is not meant for long-term storage.

One thing I use a lot of is chicken in many forms. This time around I'm showing you breasts and tenders. 

A #5 bag will net you approximately this in Breasts:

Solid breast pieces


I have the breasts on the cutting board how they were packaged - one pkg of 3 and three packages of 2. The larger package will be great for Bob and I in the crock pot. I can also use the 2-packs for either both of us or just me, cooking two meals at once. This comes in handy during NanoWrimo.

Stragglers make the best chicken bites, chicken and rice, sweet n sour chicken.. those dishes where you're going to chop them up anyway.

Next, I had a #4 bag of Tenders (failed to take a picture) but here's what I came up with:

These I packaged in 4 pieces each. That gives Bob and I two tenders each for a meal. I can also oven-fry a 4-pack for myself and have them to nibble on over the course of a couple of days.

Do you purchase in bulk? Do you have meals in mind? I'd love to hear what you do!
Enjoy the journey!

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