Monday, July 9, 2018

WEIGH IN 7-9-18


Are you seeing a pattern?

My goal is to finally get on the gazelle this week. The pain factor last week from Monday and Tuesday made doing much of anything until late week hard to do. I'm going for 2 days this week and see how I do.

As to food, I'm working on clearing out the freezer. I've been pulling a couple of things out every two days. Things that would normally be one meal, I've been making into two most of the time. Drinking plenty of water and decaf/ unsweet tea. I drink one cup of fluffy in the morning, tree until about 1 then switch to water the rest of the day. I usually have a coke in there somewhere between the tea and the water. I pour it into a freezer mug to make my own frozen coke then top it with a mini coke and work on it for a couple of days, freezing/ thawing a bit/ refreezing, etc. 

I'm also dealing with a bit of a sore throat from sinus stuff. Just enough that I know the glands are irritated on the left side. I picked up a package of Chloraseptic lozenges last week and use one of those if the irritation really starts to bug me.

For this week, 2 days on the gazelle, keep food in check and try not to overdo the steps again so I'm not dealing with pain afterwards. The cool thing about the gazelle is I'll get steps in without impact so that might help on multiple fronts.

Whatever you have planned for the week...
Enjoy the Journey!

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