Monday, February 19, 2018

WEIGH IN 2-19-18


And the roller coaster has returned. I apologize for not posting last week. Bob and I were dealing with tummy issues. I didn't feel up to much of anything but curling up in the recliner. That said, the weight was 167 last week as well so I've lost a pound and held it since posting two weeks ago.

I was surprised to step on the scales this morning and not see a gain. I've been getting hungry at night. Not just the munchies but really wanting to eat. The fact that my teeth are still in pretty solid may have play a part.

This week is all over the place. Today is a prime rib roast with mashed taters and port gravy. My sister found the recipe and tried it. Said it was OMG. So I want to give it a shot. Bob loves prime rib and this was supposed to have been our New Years dinner had he been home. Their recipe is not for stout but I'm going to substitute part of the beef stock for a red wine. We love the flavor red wine adds to a rich beef gravy.

Tomorrow will be something quick, Wednesday dinner out and Thursday dinner out. By Friday I might have an idea of what to fix. Maybe Ree's chicken legs in the crock pot but I'm thinking of saving that for Sunday.

Speaking of Ree's recipes. We tried her hamburger steaks in gravy last week. I have pictures on my phone I'll be setting up later today. Come back on Wednesday to see my twist. I promise you, it was OMG delicious.

How was your week? I'd love to hear your story. How are you walking this path?
Whatever your chosen path...

Enjoy the Journey!

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