Monday, April 8, 2019

WEIGH IN 4-8-19

NOTE::: I've added the scale icon ahead of time. If there isn't a further post, please come back later. With the girls here, I'm trying to prep ahead as much as possible so I'm on here less during their visit. Thank you!  Enjoy the Journey


I'm okay with that. 
I've not been eating the amount of vegetables the past week that I should have. I did stock up on things at the grocer  on Friday so I'm ready to get back on track.

The weather in the Ozarks is gorgeous at the moment, though we have a cold front moving in later in the week. 

I spent Saturday morning laying the ground work for a new flower bed. That was work. Laying cardboard, forking composted straw into the cart, driving the cart to the flower bed and unloading. With all of that activity... I put in more steps working in my craft room. But I have to admit I was sore. I took a hot shower, two Percogesic and crawled into bed for six hours. Was still a bit sore when I woke up but another Perco and two IB at bedtime had me feeling normal again on Sunday. I still have that bed to finish but I'm going to wait for Bob to get home. Maybe he can get the bucket put on the tractor and dump the top soil bags for me. So much easier :-)

Tomorrow morning I have the sunflower bed to put in. Right now all of the straw bales are in the green house.. in front of the seed table. I need to get seeds going so the girls will have lots of things to plant the first week in June.  Time to get the garden rolling. Adrian is looking forward to it. She's my gardener. Abby's more the crafter but they enjoy doing both. At my house there is plenty in both categories to keep them busy and happy. 

I hope the weather is great where you are and that your Enjoying the Journey!

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