Tuesday, August 13, 2019

THE GLUCOSE STORY - How My Journey Began

Happy Tuesday, Everyone!

Tuesday's are normally about FlyLady. I'm updating my system and will be bringing that back in September. I hope you'll join me as we deep clean and find a routine ahead of the Holidays.

Since the cat is out of the bag with my family (Bob has known from the beginning), I thought it time to share my Pre-Diabetic condition with you.

I've always had low blood sugar. I was born anemic and took Tryvisol with Iron until I was twelve. When Bob and I were first married and I went to the gynecologist, they said everything was fine but that my sugar was a bit low. That if I felt fatigue to eat a candy bar. Great! I've never been one for candy bars. LOL

Speed ahead about five years ago. Bob and I had to have blood work done for Bob's insurance at work. I've always been a head-in-the-sand- type of person so when mine came back with a glucose of 135 I didn't think much about it. Bob's youngest brother and wife had been here for a visit. I had extra people to cook 'comfort' foods and desserts for four days! I chalked the number up to the extra carbs/ sugars I'd consumed and didn't think any more about it.

But here's the thing... the signs were there. I just did NOT KNOW they were signs of pre-diabetes.

Every day by 3 p.m. I wanted a nap.
I made frequent trips to the bathroom. Well of course I did! I was drinking like a fish.
I thought I was just trying to get my daily water in.

I didn't give these signs any thought.

Then I started getting tingling in the tips of my toes. Not cramps, just slight tingling. - early signs of diabetic nerve pain.

I also spent nights searching for cold spots in the bed because my feet were always hot. (I've always had COLD feet at night)

Maybe I should get a glucose meter and see what's up. Am I low? Am I high? (the numbers, not me!)

Speed ahead to January of this year.
January 15... Bob and I went to Applebees for their all-you-can-eat BBQ riblets/ shrimp/ tenders. Well, of course I ate the riblets! Three rounds! I also drank part of a pepsi (I normally drink unsweet tea but this was a special occasion) plus a few fries. I'm not a fan of french fries.

As we walked around, shopping, my toes got almost to the point of unable to walk. I thought the pain was due to wearing my new boots for the longest length of time since I'd bought them. So we went to the shoe store and got tennis shoes.

By the time we got home, my toes/ feet hurt so bad, I had Bob rub my feet down with a muscle rub, took Percogesic and searched for those cold spots between the sheets.
The next day while in West Plains. I went to Walgreens and bought a test meter.

Are you ready for this?
If you're not familiar... that is stroke level!
Here's the scarier part. My feet weren't hurting. I shudder to think what that number was the day before!

I don't do doctors. You may as well know that up front right now. I have strong beliefs I won't get in to here. Instead, I got on the American Diabetes Association website and EDUCATED myself. I changed my eating habits immediately.

I began paying closer attention to signs of when I thought the numbers might be up
I started taking the Vinegar tablets/ Cinnamon capsules/ Sugar blocker as well as the Detox & Vinegar Teas.
I added my DARK GREEN veggies to my diet and really watched the carbs.
I check my Fasting number every morning when I get up and plan my meals accordingly.
If something seems off throughout the day, I'll check again to make sure of where I am.

To this day, that is my routine. 
I kind of got off-track when the girls were here and I'm paying for it now. I'm fighting to get my numbers back into what is 'normal' range for me... around 135-152. I'm still hovering between the 160's and 180's. 

Listen to your Body
Pay attention to changes
Educate yourself
and if you see a doctor... 
Make an appointment. Go armed with Questions. See that you get answers.

Tomorrow I walk you through how I'm shocking my system back to reality this week. 

Enjoy the Journey!

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