Tuesday, March 3, 2020

FLY LADY - Laundry & Kitchen

A new month and another opportunity to reign in the chaos that is my living room/ kitchen area.

I spend a lot of time mopping the laundry room floor but I look forward to the deep clean the first of the month.

I have a tabby cat that I dearly love. Goddess is a rescue kitty who is now almost 12 years old. She's had bladder issues her entire life. For a long time she was back and forth with various antibiotics for UTI's. she would no sooner get off one then we'd have to put her back on another. $75 every three weeks was getting ridiculous.

Then I discovered two things. 1) Purina Urinary Tract and 2) cranberry juice.

All three of my cats now eat a blend of Urinary Tract and Hairball Treatment. Once a week I add a Tblspn of cranberry juice to the water bowl.  Goddess seems to stay on track.

However, she has a pump handle for a tail!

She has a reflex that when she begins to urinate, her tail rises up like a pump handle... letting her pee straight out behind her. TMI? Probably. But I wanted you to have a visual of where my almost daily cleaning comes into play.  At least once a week I'm pulling the rugs from under the litter box - which is a long under the bed storage box, by the way - mopping the floor, putting down fresh rugs and wiping down anything she may have hit.  If she would just remmber to stand lengthwise of the box, she'd be fine. But periodically, she has to face the wall - spraying out into the room. Ugh!

So while I've mopped the floor multiple times over the past month, the first Monday of every month is dedicated to stripping out the laundry room and giving the floor and surrounding area a detailed cleaning. I did this on Sunday this week since the day was gorgeous and I knew I could put stuff out on the deck out of my way and to air out. 

I'd love to strangle her but on the upside, I know she's healthy!

I love my pets, but there are days  LOL

Do you have a pet that falls into that category? Share your stories. 

On a side note, I'm still working on the office. I have a deadline. 
My sissy will be here on the 12th to spend 4 days with me. We will be playing in the craft room so I HAVE to get this room done in the next 10 days! So far I've moved most everything out that can be moved out. My plan for this week is to shampoo the carpet on thursday when I can open doors/ windows and let the air really do its thing. The weather is to be almost spring like. 

Speaking of - I am soooo ready for Spring! 
Enjoy the Journey!

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