Tuesday, March 27, 2018

FLYLADY - Basement

The basement is probably the last place in the house anyone wants to clean. That portion of the house is the 'catch-all'. While ours does have some accumulation of unnecessary items, for the most part, each area has it's designation.

This week my focus will be on the Furnace Room... The 'catch all' area that shouldn't be!

Since we still have the storage unit, I'm thinking seriously of taking the chairs that go with the dining room table there. We use office chairs. I'd like to find a table at an auction that has the chairs on casters. We'd looked at those new when we were furniture shopping but they were out of our price range. While new still is, we have a table to tide us until a casters set comes along. But the chairs could go.

There are also two tubs and multiple whatever of blankets/ beddings/ afghans etc. Those are part of what I talked about last week that needs to be sorted through so that I'm going to attempt this week.

And finally, in that room is a tub of magazines I want to go through and cull images for art journals. There are times I think of chucking the whole tub then I think about the golden nuggets for my art work buried within the pages and  I just can't do it. I think I'll put that tub on my list for the next time Bob is out.

What is the 'catch all' area of your house? Find one area you can declutter this week. Even if you only spend 15 minutes per day in that area, by week's end you'll see a healthier difference.

Enjoy the Journey!

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