Monday, March 19, 2018

WEIGH IN 3-19-18


And the roller coaster continues. 
The only thing I did different this week was to enjoy a couple of donuts and an apple fritter. I've had a taste for donuts for several weeks thanks to one of the food channels. They toured donut shops across the country.. and every stop was more drool-worthy than the previous. So Thursday night, while grocer shopping I picked up some apple fritters and caramel iced cinnabuns from the bakery. I have eaten two of the cinnabuns and one of the fritters. The rest, I put in the freezer to enjoy later. 

I'm power-working this week. The time is getting closer for Bob to be coming home and I will be on here less. I have lots of protein options and am trying to eat more vegetables - something I do less of when I'm here alone. I love salads but eating them most of the time just is not enjoyable with my dentures. 

Don't get me wrong - I love my dentures. They give me the smile I never had. My challenge is that I have shallow bone lines. So shallow that I'm not a candidate for implants - not that I'm sure I'd want them. I've tried liners such as SeaBond without success. If I'm not going to eat and just want my dentures in, they work fine. But if I can't eat them, what's the point. So I live with the ooze. Some days the adhesive works better than others. I just never know until I test them if I'm going to have a good day.. or would just rather take them out and not deal with them.

For now they are in and there are Buffalo BBQ wings in my sights. 

Whatever you have on your agenda this week, just remember to...

Enjoy the Journey!

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